Knowledge + Support = Success

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EFFA provides Professional Consulting Services to both Schools and Families.  As consultants, we share our experience and expertise with school staff and families to help develop a greater understanding of this complex health issue and to assist in the establishment of non-intrusive protocols.  We believe that with the appropriate knowledge, planning, and approach, these goals can be realized.

Consulting Services for Families

Our services for families utilizes a hands-on approach and offers experience-tested strategies for living with life-threatening food allergies.  EFFA will assist you in working collaboratively with your school personnel for more positive results.  You are not alone, and together we can help you take control when living with life-threatening food allergies.

EFFA works one-on-one with families to:

·       Help you become familiar with and understand the recommendations of professional organizations for managing food allergies

·       Provide sample forms available from professional and state organizations for Emergency Action Plans (EAP) and Individualized Healthcare Plans (IHP)

·    Conduct a needs assessment to determine the nature of accommodations recommended based on the child's medical history and specifics of the school environment

·    Assist in the development of a written IHP to help successfully manage your child's food allergies

·       Explore creative ideas to allow for full participation in all aspects of the curriculum

·       Work collaboratively with school staff as a team to optimize a positive, productive and proactive working relationship

·       Attend school meetings with parents of food-allergic children to provide expertise and advocacy, when needed

·       Assist in written communication to school officials

·      Become familiar with and understand state and federal laws, guidelines and regulations which apply to life-threatening food allergies

·       Facilitate an understanding of 504 Plans versus IHPs and their respective values

·       Continue as a direct resource throughout this process, including evaluation

Consulting Services for Schools

Schools have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for all children while providing the resources and opportunities necessary for them to thrive educationally.  Meeting these goals for students with severe food allergies, while complying with state and federal laws which protect these children, is sometimes a confusing and daunting task.  

EFFA works closely with school staff and administration in a cooperative atmosphere, and provides the tools and resources necessary to help create a successful program from its conception to practical application.  Our services advocate a proactive approach and include needs assessment, staff in-service and training workshops on food allergies and anaphylaxis, and formal proposals highlighting the guidelines recommended for planning,  implementing and maintaining an effective food allergy management plan.


EFFA works one-on-one with schools to:

·       Assist staff in understanding and synthesizing information for practical application

·       Explore ways in which to achieve a team-based approach for staff within the school community

·       Customize proactive school food allergy management programs

·       Help staff to collaborate productively with parents of both food-allergic and non food-allergic students

·       Serve as a direct resource for school staff

·       Present training workshops which include: 
      1.  An overview of food allergies and their complexities

2.  Staff education on standards of practice for managing food allergies effectively

3.     An explanation of available resources and their related services

4.     A presentation of creative approaches for implementing accommodations

5.     A discussion of the laws which apply to students with food allergies and their implications for educators

6.     A review of staff’s role and their responsibilities regarding implementation of accommodations        

7.     A review of current research and advances on food allergies

8.     An opportunity for question and answer exchange

If you have specific questions or would like to have EFFA work with YOUR School System, please Contact Us anytime.

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